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Phoenix Slides��jpegtran(�]EXIF patch)�Ӱ���L���uJPEG�ഫ�C
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jpegtran's default behavior when transforming an odd-size image is designed to preserve exact reversibility and mathematical consistency of the transformation set.... Transpose is able to flip the entire image area. Horizontal mirroring leaves any partial iMCU column at the right edge untouched, but is able to flip all rows of the image. Similarly, vertical mirroring leaves any partial iMCU row at the bottom edge untouched, but is able to flip all columns. The other transforms can be built up as sequences of transpose and flip operations; for consistency, their actions on edge pixels are defined to be the same as the end result of the corresponding transpose-and-flip sequence.
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�ڥH�e�ܳ��w��Caffeine Software��Curator�{���A�i�����w�g���b�o�i���C ���]����L���p��f�A�Ҧp�A�A�n���쥦�s�y�F�Y���Ϥ~��ݤۿO�q�C��ı�o�o�ˤӤ��X�z�F�C ���M�APhoenix Slides�S���o�˪���f�C
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����David Chow�A�L�`�O����kcrash�ڪ��{���C
����Thomas Steg (�w�� Karlsruhe) - �w��½Ķ�F César Piñera - ��Z����½Ķ�F Laurent Bovet - �k��½Ķ�F Silvano Dotti - �N�j�Q��½Ķ�C
�̫�]�n�P�§ڪ��e���ѪO�A�L���F�ھ{���ڤ~���Ŷ}�oPhoenix Slides�C
Looking for localization help: If you want to translate Phoenix Slides to your language please contact me.
Copyright 2005-2024 by Dominic Yu. This software is free and open source.
You are free to use it for non-commercial
purposes. Derivative works must give proper credit to me and be shared under
the same license, unless I give written permission stating otherwise.